亚洲欧美另类国产,99精品热视频这里只有精品7,午夜精品久久久久久毛片 http://www.mspp.net 技術(shù)驅(qū)動(dòng)型品牌跨境服務(wù) Mon, 29 Jan 2018 03:42:38 +0000 zh-Hans hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 http://www.mspp.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/cropped-eastdigi-fav-2024-red-512-32x32.png Linux相關(guān)教程 – 雋永東方集團(tuán) – 海外營(yíng)銷獨(dú)立站、 SEO/SEM、網(wǎng)紅KOL、品牌跨境 http://www.mspp.net 32 32 Linux服務(wù)器安裝的CSF防火墻白名單設(shè)置教程 http://www.mspp.net/kb/linux%e6%9c%8d%e5%8a%a1%e5%99%a8%e5%ae%89%e8%a3%85%e7%9a%84csf%e9%98%b2%e7%81%ab%e5%a2%99%e7%99%bd%e5%90%8d%e5%8d%95%e8%ae%be%e7%bd%ae%e6%95%99%e7%a8%8b/ http://www.mspp.net/kb/linux%e6%9c%8d%e5%8a%a1%e5%99%a8%e5%ae%89%e8%a3%85%e7%9a%84csf%e9%98%b2%e7%81%ab%e5%a2%99%e7%99%bd%e5%90%8d%e5%8d%95%e8%ae%be%e7%bd%ae%e6%95%99%e7%a8%8b/#respond Mon, 26 Jan 2015 03:16:08 +0000 https://www.eastdesign.net/?post_type=knowledgebase&p=8948 Continue reading Linux服務(wù)器安裝的CSF防火墻白名單設(shè)置教程 ]]> 最近為了提升服務(wù)器的安全性能,每臺(tái)Linux服務(wù)器都安裝了CSF防火墻,該防火墻在cPanel平臺(tái)上自帶了可視化編輯管理的界面,但是在國(guó)內(nèi)的WDCP之類的主機(jī)管理面板上就沒有類似的可視化界面了,只能手工命令行方式來(lái)設(shè)置,簡(jiǎn)單教程如下:


vim /etc/csf/csf.allow



csf -r


http://www.mspp.net/kb/linux%e6%9c%8d%e5%8a%a1%e5%99%a8%e5%ae%89%e8%a3%85%e7%9a%84csf%e9%98%b2%e7%81%ab%e5%a2%99%e7%99%bd%e5%90%8d%e5%8d%95%e8%ae%be%e7%bd%ae%e6%95%99%e7%a8%8b/feed/ 0
Centos 7.* 防火墻增加80端口和刪除80端口的操作方式 http://www.mspp.net/kb/centos7fanghuoqiangzengjia80duankouheshanchu80duankoudecaozuofangshi/ http://www.mspp.net/kb/centos7fanghuoqiangzengjia80duankouheshanchu80duankoudecaozuofangshi/#respond Tue, 02 Jan 2018 08:16:56 +0000 https://www.eastdesign.net/?post_type=knowledgebase&p=12924 Continue reading Centos 7.* 防火墻增加80端口和刪除80端口的操作方式 ]]> //添加80端口 firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp //刪除80端口 firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-port=80/tcp //查看當(dāng)前防火墻監(jiān)聽端口 firewall-cmd --list-ports //重啟防火墻 firewall-cmd --reload


http://www.mspp.net/kb/centos7fanghuoqiangzengjia80duankouheshanchu80duankoudecaozuofangshi/feed/ 0
MYSQL數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)命令行導(dǎo)出超大表的方法 http://www.mspp.net/kb/mysqlshujukuminglingxingdaochuchaodabiaodefangfa/ http://www.mspp.net/kb/mysqlshujukuminglingxingdaochuchaodabiaodefangfa/#respond Mon, 29 Jan 2018 03:42:38 +0000 https://www.eastdesign.net/?post_type=knowledgebase&p=13006 Continue reading MYSQL數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)命令行導(dǎo)出超大表的方法 ]]> 最近有遇到某個(gè)項(xiàng)目的數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)某個(gè)表達(dá)到98M,單獨(dú)用PHPMYADMIN和命令行導(dǎo)出都會(huì)報(bào)錯(cuò),研究了一下,發(fā)現(xiàn)超大數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)導(dǎo)出不能用常規(guī)方法,要先壓縮以后再導(dǎo)出,命令行如下:

mysqldump --opt -u username -p dbname | gzip > dbnamesql.sql.gz



http://www.mspp.net/kb/mysqlshujukuminglingxingdaochuchaodabiaodefangfa/feed/ 0
列出當(dāng)前文件夾目錄大小,以G,M,K顯示。 http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e5%88%97%e5%87%ba%e5%bd%93%e5%89%8d%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%a4%b9%e7%9b%ae%e5%bd%95%e5%a4%a7%e5%b0%8f%ef%bc%8c%e4%bb%a5g%ef%bc%8cm%ef%bc%8ck%e6%98%be%e7%a4%ba%e3%80%82/ http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e5%88%97%e5%87%ba%e5%bd%93%e5%89%8d%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%a4%b9%e7%9b%ae%e5%bd%95%e5%a4%a7%e5%b0%8f%ef%bc%8c%e4%bb%a5g%ef%bc%8cm%ef%bc%8ck%e6%98%be%e7%a4%ba%e3%80%82/#respond Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:44:03 +0000 https://www.eastdesign.net/?post_type=knowledgebase&p=8088 Continue reading 列出當(dāng)前文件夾目錄大小,以G,M,K顯示。 ]]>

du -b –max-depth 1 | sort -nr | perl -pe ‘s{([0-9]+)}{sprintf”%.1f%s”, $1>=2**30? ($1/2**30, “G”): $1>=2**20? ($1/2**20, “M”):$1>=2**10? ($1/2**10, “K”): ($1, “”)}e’

http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e5%88%97%e5%87%ba%e5%bd%93%e5%89%8d%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%a4%b9%e7%9b%ae%e5%bd%95%e5%a4%a7%e5%b0%8f%ef%bc%8c%e4%bb%a5g%ef%bc%8cm%ef%bc%8ck%e6%98%be%e7%a4%ba%e3%80%82/feed/ 0
查詢大小超過100m的文件 http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e6%9f%a5%e8%af%a2%e5%a4%a7%e5%b0%8f%e8%b6%85%e8%bf%87100m%e7%9a%84%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6/ http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e6%9f%a5%e8%af%a2%e5%a4%a7%e5%b0%8f%e8%b6%85%e8%bf%87100m%e7%9a%84%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6/#respond Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:46:06 +0000 https://www.eastdesign.net/?post_type=knowledgebase&p=8089

find / -type f -size +100000k -ls

http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e6%9f%a5%e8%af%a2%e5%a4%a7%e5%b0%8f%e8%b6%85%e8%bf%87100m%e7%9a%84%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6/feed/ 0
查看當(dāng)前占用了88端口的進(jìn)程是哪個(gè)進(jìn)程 http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e6%9f%a5%e7%9c%8b%e5%bd%93%e5%89%8d%e5%8d%a0%e7%94%a8%e4%ba%8688%e7%ab%af%e5%8f%a3%e7%9a%84%e8%bf%9b%e7%a8%8b%e6%98%af%e5%93%aa%e4%b8%aa%e8%bf%9b%e7%a8%8b/ http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e6%9f%a5%e7%9c%8b%e5%bd%93%e5%89%8d%e5%8d%a0%e7%94%a8%e4%ba%8688%e7%ab%af%e5%8f%a3%e7%9a%84%e8%bf%9b%e7%a8%8b%e6%98%af%e5%93%aa%e4%b8%aa%e8%bf%9b%e7%a8%8b/#respond Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:48:20 +0000 https://www.eastdesign.net/?post_type=knowledgebase&p=8090 Continue reading 查看當(dāng)前占用了88端口的進(jìn)程是哪個(gè)進(jìn)程 ]]> 執(zhí)行以下命令查看當(dāng)前占用了88端口的進(jìn)程是哪個(gè)進(jìn)程

netstat -ltnp | grep ‘:88’

tcp 0 0 :::88 :::* LISTEN 3697/httpd


# kill -9 3697
# service httpd restart

http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e6%9f%a5%e7%9c%8b%e5%bd%93%e5%89%8d%e5%8d%a0%e7%94%a8%e4%ba%8688%e7%ab%af%e5%8f%a3%e7%9a%84%e8%bf%9b%e7%a8%8b%e6%98%af%e5%93%aa%e4%b8%aa%e8%bf%9b%e7%a8%8b/feed/ 0
Centos批量給予文件和文件夾權(quán)限 http://www.mspp.net/kb/centos%e6%89%b9%e9%87%8f%e7%bb%99%e4%ba%88%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%92%8c%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%a4%b9%e6%9d%83%e9%99%90/ http://www.mspp.net/kb/centos%e6%89%b9%e9%87%8f%e7%bb%99%e4%ba%88%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%92%8c%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%a4%b9%e6%9d%83%e9%99%90/#respond Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:51:00 +0000 https://www.eastdesign.net/?post_type=knowledgebase&p=8091 Continue reading Centos批量給予文件和文件夾權(quán)限 ]]> 經(jīng)常需要在centos服務(wù)器上的項(xiàng)目文件里做給予文件夾和文件不同權(quán)限的操作,如果挨個(gè)給,幾千個(gè)文件絕無(wú)可能,于是乎命令行成了最好的方式。


find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;


http://www.mspp.net/kb/centos%e6%89%b9%e9%87%8f%e7%bb%99%e4%ba%88%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%92%8c%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%a4%b9%e6%9d%83%e9%99%90/feed/ 0
Centos拷貝隱藏文件命令行 http://www.mspp.net/kb/centos%e6%8b%b7%e8%b4%9d%e9%9a%90%e8%97%8f%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%91%bd%e4%bb%a4%e8%a1%8c/ http://www.mspp.net/kb/centos%e6%8b%b7%e8%b4%9d%e9%9a%90%e8%97%8f%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%91%bd%e4%bb%a4%e8%a1%8c/#respond Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:52:24 +0000 https://www.eastdesign.net/?post_type=knowledgebase&p=8092

yes | cp -a new/files/* files

http://www.mspp.net/kb/centos%e6%8b%b7%e8%b4%9d%e9%9a%90%e8%97%8f%e6%96%87%e4%bb%b6%e5%91%bd%e4%bb%a4%e8%a1%8c/feed/ 0
35條非常實(shí)用的 find 命令 http://www.mspp.net/kb/35%e6%9d%a1%e9%9d%9e%e5%b8%b8%e5%ae%9e%e7%94%a8%e7%9a%84-find-%e5%91%bd%e4%bb%a4/ http://www.mspp.net/kb/35%e6%9d%a1%e9%9d%9e%e5%b8%b8%e5%ae%9e%e7%94%a8%e7%9a%84-find-%e5%91%bd%e4%bb%a4/#respond Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:53:08 +0000 https://www.eastdesign.net/?post_type=knowledgebase&p=8095 Continue reading 35條非常實(shí)用的 find 命令 ]]> 1. Find Files Using Name in Current Directory

Find all the files whose name is tecmint.txt in a current working directory.

# find . -name tecmint.txt


2. Find Files Under Home Directory

Find all the files under /home directory with name tecmint.txt.

# find /home -name tecmint.txt


3. Find Files Using Name and Ignoring Case

Find all the files whose name is tecmint.txt and contains both capital and small letters in /home directory.

# find /home -iname tecmint.txt


4. Find Directories Using Name

Find all directories whose name is Tecmint in / directory.

# find / -type d -name Tecmint


5. Find PHP Files Using Name

Find all php files whose name is tecmint.php in a current working directory.

# find . -type f -name tecmint.php


6. Find all PHP Files in Directory

Find all php files in a directory.

# find . -type f -name “*.php”


Part II – Find Files Based on their Permissions

7. Find Files With 777 Permissions

Find all the files whose permissions are 777.

# find . -type f -perm 0777 -print

8. Find Files Without 777 Permissions

Find all the files without permission 777.

# find / -type f ! -perm 777

9. Find SGID Files with 644 Permissions

Find all the SGID bit files whose permissions set to 644.

# find / -perm 2644

10. Find Sticky Bit Files with 551 Permissions

Find all the Sticky Bit set files whose permission are 551.

# find / -perm 1551

11. Find SUID Files

Find all SUID set files.

# find / -perm /u=s

12. Find SGID Files

Find all SGID set files.

# find / -perm /g+s

13. Find Read Only Files

Find all Read Only files.

# find / -perm /u=r

14. Find Executable Files

Find all Executable files.

# find / -perm /a=x

15. Find Files with 777 Permissions and Chmod to 644

Find all 777 permission files and use chmod command to set permissions to 644.

# find / -type f -perm 0777 -print -exec chmod 644 {} \;

16. Find Directories with 777 Permissions and Chmod to 755

Find all 777 permission directories and use chmod command to set permissions to 755.

# find / -type d -perm 777 -print -exec chmod 755 {} \;

17. Find and remove single File

To find a single file called tecmint.txt and remove it.

# find . -type f -name “tecmint.txt” -exec rm -f {} \;

18. Find and remove Multiple File

To find and remove multiple files such as .mp3 or .txt, then use.

# find . -type f -name “*.txt” -exec rm -f {} \;


# find . -type f -name “*.mp3” -exec rm -f {} \;

19. Find all Empty Files

To file all empty files under certain path.

# find /tmp -type f -empty

20. Find all Empty Directories

To file all empty directories under certain path.

# find /tmp -type d -empty

21. File all Hidden Files

To find all hidden files, use below command.

# find /tmp -type f -name “.*”

Part III – Search Files Based On Owners and Groups

22. Find Single File Based on User

To find all or single file called tecmint.txt under / root directory of owner root.

# find / -user root -name tecmint.txt

23. Find all Files Based on User

To find all files that belongs to user Tecmint under /home directory.

# find /home -user tecmint

24. Find all Files Based on Group

To find all files that belongs to group Developer under /home directory.

# find /home -group developer

25. Find Particular Files of User

To find all .txt files of user Tecmint under /home directory.

# find /home -user tecmint -iname “*.txt”

Part IV – Find Files and Directories Based on Date and Time

26. Find Last 50 Days Modified Files

To find all the files which are modified 50 days back.

# find / -mtime 50

27. Find Last 50 Days Accessed Files

To find all the files which are accessed 50 days back.

# find / -atime 50

28. Find Last 50-100 Days Modified Files

To find all the files which are modified more than 50 days back and less than 100 days.

# find / -mtime +50 –mtime -100

29. Find Changed Files in Last 1 Hour

To find all the files which are changed in last 1 hour.

# find / -cmin -60

30. Find Modified Files in Last 1 Hour

To find all the files which are modified in last 1 hour.

# find / -mmin -60

31. Find Accessed Files in Last 1 Hour

To find all the files which are accessed in last 1 hour.

# find / -amin -60

Part V – Find Files and Directories Based on Size

32. Find 50MB Files

To find all 50MB files, use.

# find / -size 50M

33. Find Size between 50MB – 100MB

To find all the files which are greater than 50MB and less than 100MB.

# find / -size +50M -size -100M

34. Find and Delete 100MB Files

To find all 100MB files and delete them using one single command.

# find / -size +100M -exec rm -rf {} \;

35. Find Specific Files and Delete

Find all .mp3 files with more than 10MB and delete them using one single command.

# find / -type f -name *.mp3 -size +10M -exec rm {} \;

That’s it, We are ending this post here, In our next article we will
discuss more about other Linux commands in depth with practical
examples. Let us know your opinions on this article using our comment

http://www.mspp.net/kb/35%e6%9d%a1%e9%9d%9e%e5%b8%b8%e5%ae%9e%e7%94%a8%e7%9a%84-find-%e5%91%bd%e4%bb%a4/feed/ 0
棄用Linode昂貴的backup service,采用bluehost實(shí)現(xiàn)遠(yuǎn)程自動(dòng)備份方案 http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e5%bc%83%e7%94%a8linode%e6%98%82%e8%b4%b5%e7%9a%84backup-service%e9%87%87%e7%94%a8bluehost%e5%ae%9e%e7%8e%b0%e8%bf%9c%e7%a8%8b%e8%87%aa%e5%8a%a8%e5%a4%87%e4%bb%bd%e6%96%b9%e6%a1%88/ http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e5%bc%83%e7%94%a8linode%e6%98%82%e8%b4%b5%e7%9a%84backup-service%e9%87%87%e7%94%a8bluehost%e5%ae%9e%e7%8e%b0%e8%bf%9c%e7%a8%8b%e8%87%aa%e5%8a%a8%e5%a4%87%e4%bb%bd%e6%96%b9%e6%a1%88/#respond Sun, 19 Oct 2014 03:35:33 +0000 https://www.eastdesign.net/?post_type=knowledgebase&p=8253 Continue reading 棄用Linode昂貴的backup service,采用bluehost實(shí)現(xiàn)遠(yuǎn)程自動(dòng)備份方案 ]]> 最近一直在為數(shù)據(jù)備份而頭疼,采用Linode自帶的備份服務(wù),的確不錯(cuò),不過一則太貴,一臺(tái)服務(wù)器一個(gè)月20美金,實(shí)在性價(jià)比太低,另外嘗試開啟一段時(shí)間后發(fā)覺,如果要用這個(gè)備份數(shù)據(jù)來(lái)恢復(fù)的話,前提條件必須是備份數(shù)據(jù)有多大,當(dāng)前服務(wù)器剩余硬盤空間也得有多大,這樣是顯然很不方便的,一般來(lái)說服務(wù)器有多大空間都是直接全部掛載上去,很少會(huì)刻意預(yù)留一部分用來(lái)備份,于是毅然放棄了Linode自帶的backup service,轉(zhuǎn)而買了一個(gè)bluehost主機(jī)用來(lái)充當(dāng)遠(yuǎn)程備份的服務(wù)器,當(dāng)然前提是必須開啟SSH服務(wù),默認(rèn)bluehost是不開啟此服務(wù)的,要開啟這個(gè)服務(wù)必須通過工作日時(shí)間找bluehost客服livechat 一下,驗(yàn)證一下信用卡信息之類的。




ssh-keygen -t rsa

Generating public/private rsa key pair.

Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): /root/.ssh/id_rsa

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):直接回車

Enter same passphrase again:直接回車

Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.

Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.

The key fingerprint is:

f6:61:a8:27:35:cf:4c:6d:13:22:70:cf:4c:c8:a0:23 root@host1



scp /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@B機(jī)IP:/tmp


cd ~/.ssh

cat /tmp/id_rsa.pub >>authorized_keys

chmod 400 authorized_keys

rm -f /tmp/id_rsa.pub


Bluehost SSH
Bluehost SSH







vim /www/backup/remote_backup.sh ? 加入如下內(nèi)容:

cd /******/mysql
scp -r * [email protected]:*******/database/
cd /******/web
scp -r * [email protected]:*******/web/

chmod 750 remote_backup.sh


crontab -e

00 1 * * 7 ? /bin/bash /www/backup/remote_backup.sh


service crond restart


http://www.mspp.net/kb/%e5%bc%83%e7%94%a8linode%e6%98%82%e8%b4%b5%e7%9a%84backup-service%e9%87%87%e7%94%a8bluehost%e5%ae%9e%e7%8e%b0%e8%bf%9c%e7%a8%8b%e8%87%aa%e5%8a%a8%e5%a4%87%e4%bb%bd%e6%96%b9%e6%a1%88/feed/ 0
安西县| 五原县| 绥江县| 阳朔县| 驻马店市| 东源县| 陕西省| 大关县| 东莞市| 临沧市| 嵊州市| 水城县| 腾冲县| 澄城县| 苍南县| 鄢陵县| 江口县| 玉屏| 忻州市| 娄烦县| 武陟县| 高要市| 石棉县| 定西市| 平邑县| 上林县| 固阳县| 砚山县| 禹城市| 永城市| 客服| 宝坻区| 阿拉善右旗| 隆林| 禹州市| 泽普县| 合水县| 米林县| 介休市| 北京市| 托克托县|