


2018年4月11日 | | 標(biāo)簽:



Your Linode(s) have been assigned maintenance windows during which they will be rebooted. This maintenance is necessary to patch for variants 1 and 2 of the Spectre vulnerability[1]. The scheduled times for these reboots are listed within the Linode Manager[2] in the timezone set in your user’s Profile[3].

Your reboot schedule in UTC is as follows:

* 2018-05-11 4:00:00 AM UTC - US-cPanel-1

The above listed maintenance windows cannot be altered, postponed, or rescheduled.

A two-hour window is allocated for each reboot maintenance window, however, the actual downtime should be much less. During each reboot window, your Linode will be cleanly shut down and will remain offline until the maintenance is complete. Your Linode will be restored to its previous state (booted or powered off) when the maintenance is complete. These updates affect the underlying infrastructure that your Linode resides on and will not affect the data stored within your Linode.

To ensure your Linode’s essential services (MySQL, Apache, NGINX, etc.) return successfully upon reboot, we strongly recommend that you review Linode’s Reboot Survival Guide[4] prior to the start of the maintenance period.

If you would like more information, please see our Meltdown and Spectre guide[5].

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

– Linode

雋永東方美國(guó)cPanel服務(wù)器將于 2018年 5月 11日 12:00 進(jìn)行預(yù)定維護(hù),持續(xù)時(shí)間預(yù)估為2小時(shí),實(shí)際時(shí)間應(yīng)該會(huì)少于這個(gè)時(shí)間,屆時(shí)服務(wù)器將終止訪問(wèn),請(qǐng)耐心等待,維護(hù)完成,服務(wù)器會(huì)自動(dòng)啟動(dòng),無(wú)需做任何操作,感謝您的理解與配合。



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