
    記得前段時(shí)間因?yàn)樯?jí)WHMCS導(dǎo)致錯(cuò)誤,還專門寫了一篇文章:WHMCS 7.1.1 升級(jí)經(jīng)驗(yàn)總結(jié)?,這篇文章詳細(xì)記錄了WHMCS從6.*升級(jí)到7.1.1的痛苦經(jīng)歷,簡(jiǎn)直苦不堪言,經(jīng)過(guò)了幾個(gè)小時(shí)的折騰最后總算升級(jí)上去了,但是留下了一個(gè)致命的bug,發(fā)現(xiàn)前臺(tái)eNom域名的DNS管理界面始終多一條包含數(shù)字的莫名其妙的記錄如下:


    Hi Xiaoge,
    Thanks for contacting WHMCS. I’ve been able to replicate this issue on my end as well, it appears eNom have made some kind of change to their API. As such I have opened case #CORE-10857 is open with our developers in order to have this reviewed for future releases. Whilst I cannot provide an estimated time for completion for this, once we resolve cases and push features they are available at our change log, here:


    I apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this.

    Thanks again for taking the time to report your findings. We welcome such reports at http://bugs.whmcs.com/

    Best Regards,

    John Kipling
    Technical Support Supervisor
    WHMCS, Ltd.



    Hello Xiaoge,

    Thank you for that.

    I have enabled module debugging temporarily, and then replicated the issue. You can review the logged data via your Admin Area at Utilities > Logs > Module Debug Log .

    Here, you can see that we’re using the gethosts function provided by eNom’s API to return the host records for the domain name. You can review eNom’s documentation for this function at https://www.enom.com/api/API%20topics/api_GetHosts.htm

    Here is the API your WHMCS installation is sending to eNom:


    This bit is added to the end of the URL used to connect to eNom’s services. You’ll notice that this matches the format provided by eNom’s documentation. Here is the sample they provide detailing how to build the URL:


    Now, here is the API response that eNom is providing:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><interface-response><host><name><![CDATA[www]]></name><type>A</type><address><![CDATA[]]></address><hostid>369201857</hostid></host><host><name><![CDATA[@]]></name><type>A</type><address><![CDATA[]]></address><hostid>369201858</hostid></host><DomainServices><EmailForwarding></EmailForwarding><HostRecords></HostRecords></DomainServices><DomainLimits><HostsRecordLimit>50</HostsRecordLimit><MailForwardLimit>100</MailForwardLimit></DomainLimits><HostRecordCount>2</HostRecordCount><MxRecordCount>5</MxRecordCount><Command>GETHOSTS</Command><APIType>API.NET</APIType><Language>eng</Language><ErrCount>0</ErrCount><ResponseCount>0</ResponseCount><MinPeriod>1</MinPeriod><MaxPeriod>10</MaxPeriod><Server>sjl0vwapi12</Server><Site>eNom</Site><IsLockable /><IsRealTimeTLD /><TimeDifference>+0.00</TimeDifference><ExecTime>0.073</ExecTime><Done>true</Done><TrackingKey>34810718-7f61-4c84-ac2b-e3483b61b934</TrackingKey><RequestDateTime>2/23/2017 11:12:28 AM</RequestDateTime><debug /></interface-response>

    Here you can see that eNom is furnishing two A records; one for **www*, and one without a name value.

    If you feel the information being returned by eNom is not correct, then you will want to contact them so that they can investigate why their API is returning this data.

    If they advise of any configuration changes that need to be made to WHMCS itself, then please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Nathan Lierbo
    Technical Analyst I
    WHMCS, Ltd.


    Xiaoge ZhongClient

    I was suppose to hope this 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 will fix that eNom domain DNS management bug, but after I spent so many hours I got nothing but disappointment.

    23rd Feb 2017 (20:27)
    Xiaoge ZhongClient

    I have no choice but downgrade to WHMCS 7.1.1, although there will be one more strange number record in DNS management as I had already reported to you in my last ticket, but it was working, I am a little bit Disappointed to your tech support, it didn’t help us a lot,hope you can improve support service.

    23rd Feb 2017 (18:12)
    Xiaoge ZhongClient

    You mean that eNom has returned the right records, but my whmcs front end can’t show them correctly?

    23rd Feb 2017 (18:07)
    Xiaoge ZhongClient

    Your reply was still not helping, according to your experience, could you give me some suggestion about this issue, I mean what will cause this issue? I had try to use the new theme and still not working.


    Hello Xiaoge,

    I’m pleased to advise that we have an immediate fix available and I am attaching it to my reply. Please unzip this attachment and place the files in your WHMCS directory. If asked to overwrite any files please do. For reference we’ve assigned this particular issue within WHMCS a case number, CORE-10925.

    When the hotfix is deployed, please check if eNom now displays all the values in client area – I would appreciate it if you could confirm this solved the issue on your install. If you have any other issues or questions please don’t hesitate to let me know.

    Best regards,

    Marcus Allen
    Technical Analyst I
    WHMCS, Ltd.


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