

    Understanding landing page experience

    Landing page experience refers to how good we think someone’s experience will be when they get to your landing page (the webpage they end up on after clicking your ad). You can improve your landing page experience by:

    • providing relevant, useful, and original content,
    • promoting transparency and fostering trustworthiness on your site (for example, by explaining your products or services before asking visitors to fill out forms sharing their own information),
    • making it easy for customers to navigate your site (including on mobile sites), and
    • encouraging customers to spend time on your site (for example, by making sure your page loads quickly so people who click your ad don’t give up and leave your site prematurely).

    Your landing page experience affects not only your Quality Score, but also your Ad Rank and advertising costs.

    Why landing page experience matters

    Landing pages are kind of like cars – make sure they’re tuned-up properly, and you’ll likely get better performance and savings out of them down the road. Get more mileage out of your landing page by making it easier for visitors to make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, or do other things you want them to do on your website.

    Improving your landing page experience


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